The Barbara A. Mouton Multicultural Wellness Center (The Mouton Center) is a new mental health facility and programmatic initiative resource for East Palo Alto (EPA) residents. Opened in June of 2009 by One East Palo Alto (OEPA), The Mouton Center is a place where consumers of mental health services and their family members can go to receive support, information, and be in community with each other.
One East Palo Alto acts as lead agency for The Mouton Center, implementing all aspects of its development and operation. This role is made possible by major Mental Health Services Act funding provided by a contract with San Mateo County's Department of Health Behavioral Health and Revocery Services (BHRS) division. The Mouton Center and OEPA are supported by collaborative mental health initiatives currently underway with organizational partners including San Mateo County's BHRS division, the East Palo Alto Mental Health Avisory Group and the East Palo Alto Partnership for Mental Health Outreach.