Behavioral Health Advisory Group Ambassador Team (BHAGAT)BHAGAT is a school-based mental health crisis response pilot project supported by Measure A funding awarded to One East Palo Alto (OEPA) by San Mateo County (SMC) Board of Supervisors and overseen by SMC Health System’s Behavioral Health and Recovery Services division.
The team is planned and implemented by a partnership comprised of the East Palo Alto Behavioral Health Advisory Group (convened by OEPA), Ravenswood City School District (RCSD), the East Palo Alto Police Department and San Mateo Office of Education. BHAGAT’s overall aim is to provide culturally competent crisis interventions to middle school students at RCSD’s Ronald McNair Academy who experience trauma as a result of violent crime in East Palo Alto so as to meet their needs as victims and enhance their recovery. The team is a group of trained community members whose primary purpose is to respond to crisis situations by providing support to students and their families who have experienced trauma due to acts of violence in and around the East Palo Alto community. BHAGAT Services include, but are not limited to, the following: