- Brokered $179,506 in funding for individuals (stipends, summer youth jobs and AB 109 jobs) and $139,340 in funding to the following community-based organization partners for their support and/or implementation of various initiatives: Bread of Life Evangelistic Outreach (BOLEO) ($9,600); El Concilio of San Mateo County (El Concilio) ($31,765), Free At Last (FAL) ($42,245), John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities ($10,000) and Multicultural Counseling and Educational Services of the Bay Area (MCESBA) ($45,730). [Total individual and partner funding $318,846].
- Implemented the 11th Annual “Embracing East Palo Alto Youth” Fundraising Luncheon, proceeds of which provided funding to OEPA-led youth-focused initiatives, especially Summer 2018 operations of the Sponsored Employment Program (SEP).
- Completed Year 7 and began Year 8 of convening the Youth Empowerment Strategies for Success (YESS) collaborative. During 2018, OEPA’s efforts advanced the progress of this groundbreaking initiative’s goals to achieve the following results: completed funding cycle for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and The San Francisco Foundation in support of continued full-time employment of a YESS Program Coordinator, capacity building for OEPA’s role as YESS convener/backbone organization, evaluation support, resources for a Collective Impact Fund providing mini-grants to YESS Direct Services Group (DSG) Focus Area Work Groups (FAWG) and stipends for nonprofit FAWG Co-leaders; implemented three DSG full membership meetings and five YESS DSG Steering Committee meetings; recruited 43 paid member/associate member organizations (including 38 local nonprofits/youth serving entities and five institutional entities.
- East Palo Alto Police Department (EPAPD), Office of San Mateo County 4th District Supervisor, Hon. Warren Slocum, Ravenswood City School District (RCSD), Sequoia Union High School District and The John Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities at Stanford University and facilitated collaboration among YESS members to improve youth services delivery, service provision improvements, link data, participate in joint fundraising opportunities and implement a Collective Impact model for achieving YESS strategic plan goals.
- Continued to conduct multiple Collective Impact initiatives led and/or supported by OEPA Consultant Sharifa Wilson, including continuing efforts of the Pacific Islander Know Your Rights Initiative featuring convening two major informational forums with follow up support services..
- Continued planning efforts East Palo Alto Homeless Drop-in Center of the San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services’ (SMCBHRS) East Palo Alto/Belle Haven Community Service Area (EPABH CSA).
- Completed the partnership with BOLEO for implementation of the New Beginnings (NB) Clean and Sober Living homes for AB 109 formerly incarcerated individuals.
- Brokered $124,330 in funding for individuals (stipends or summer youth jobs) and $188,849 in funding to the following community-based organization partners for their support and/or implementation of various initiatives: Bread of Life Evangelistic Outreach (BOLEO) ($32,000); East Palo Alto Digital Village (EPADV)/Computers for Everyone (CFE) ($12,840); El Concilio of San Mateo County (El Concilio) ($30,320), Free At Last (FAL) ($53,371), Live in Peace (LIP) ($5,000) and Pacific Tonga Ma’a Tonga USA (PTMT)($53,406.67) [Total $313,179].
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